Supporting North Carolina’s Blueberries & Your Health!

We Want You To Eat More North Carolina Blueberries!
official logo North Carolina Blueberry Council, Inc.Blueberries are just plain good food, so our mission is a win-win situation. We help you find creative ways to increase your consumption of blueberries, while helping blueberry producers in North Carolina find better ways to grown the awesome little blueberry!

Everything is better with North Carolina Blueberries!

Excerpts From the Official Strategic Plan
(Draft 30 Nov 2011)
“The North Carolina Blueberry Council is a non-profit corporation created to:

“Promote efficient production, packing, handling, storing, processing, and marketing of blueberries and to secure and distribute to its members information and trends relative to the operation and management of the blueberry business.”

“Promote research work for the purpose of discovering and developing better, or new varieties, methods of production, packing, handling, storing, processing, marketing, and disease control.”

“Promote through advertising, service work, merchandising, tours, and any other means, the enjoyable consumption of North Carolina blueberries.”


OFFICERS Of The North Carolina Blueberry Council (Term Ending):

Ralph Carter Jr., President (2025)
Carter Farms
6504 Hwy 701 North
White Lake, NC 28337
Phone: (910) 862-2732
Cell: (910) 874-1444

Sam Rose, Vice President (2024)
Legacy Blueberry Farms
1418 Bay Tree Dr.
Harrells, NC 28444
Phone: (910) 669-2624

Willie Moore, Secretary-Treasurer
Ivanhoe Farms
3550 Ivanhoe Road
Ivanhoe, NC 28447
Phone: (910) 532-4291
Cell: (910) 385-8401

DIRECTORS of the North Carolina Blueberry Council (Term Ending):

Joey Benton (2023)
Bettin On Blues Farm
19221 NC 210 Highway East
Ivanhoe, NC 28447

George Mote, Jr. (2025)
Mote Plantation Farms
1991 Mote Road
Harrells, NC 28444
Phone: (910) 874-1431

Brandon Norris (2024)
24140 Highway 210 E
Kelly, NC 28448
Phone: 910-862-7529

Matthew Moore (2023)
Ivanhoe Farms
3550 Ivanhoe Rd
Ivanhoe, NC 28447
Phone: (910) 532-2880